What's New

Domain Names - The High Court Has Its Say

Registry and registrar not liable for infringing domain names

A Brief Excursus on the South African Online Alternative Dispute Resolution

.za Alternative Dispute Resolution Regulations: The First Few SAIIPL Decisions

A study of the adjudication of celebrity domain name disputes (Neil Brown QC)

Sun International successful with domain name dispute.

MIXIT.CO.ZA: Dont get mixed up!

MXit wins battle

The Dispute is Decided (Tribute Site):

Is your business prepared for Domain Hijacking? by Cheryl L. Hodgson

The Dispute is Decided:

The Dispute is Decided:

The Standard Bank Dispute is Decided: "Typosquatting"

The and Dispute is Appealed

New Board for .ZA Domain Name Authority

The et. al. Dispute is Decided sold for $116,000

Draft Domain Name Policy released by the .za Domain Name Authority

Amendments to .za Domain Name Authority Memo and Articles of Association

INTA / SAIIPL Roundtable on the new ADR Procedure

The Dispute is Decided

Complaints in the name space Category: Legal

The first CO.ZA domain name Dispute is Decided

Mr Plastic Domain Name dispute resolved

Typosquatter Liable for Statutory Damages of $10,000 per Domain Name & Attorneys' Fees of $39,109

Who Owns Your Domain Name?

SA sets out guidelines to settle disputes over use of .za domain

.ZA Domain Name Authority Press Release

New Developments in .ZA Domain Name Dispute Resolution

The SAIIPL releases South Africa's first ever domain name decision.

Cybersquatting on the increase (WIPO)

Launch of domain name search

Wildcard the search by pre/appending a * at the beginning or end of the domain name. This search is valid only for the '' domain.

A study of the adjudication of celebrity domain name disputes (Neil Brown QC)

This paper, prepared by the honourable Neil Brown QC (Australia), looks at the adjudication of celebrity domain name disputes around the world. This detailed study examins the challenges faced by well know celebtrities, inlcuding the remedies available to them.

The paper starts:  

You would think that celebrities, being what they are, would be keen to register their names as domain names, set up their own websites and use the websites to promote themselves.

Some do, but others seem to have been slow off the mark, only to find that someone else has got up earlier and in effect stolen their name, registered it as a domain name and used the domain name to set up an unauthorized website.

Of course, it can be worse than that: the domain name is sometimes linked directly to a pornography website or used as a bait to attract internet users who are then switched to a website selling anything form Viagra to Pacific cruises . This, of course, can give the celebrity a bad name or even a worse name than he or she had previously.

Full version available here
