COMPLAINT lodged in paper format, in triplicate and electronic format comply with formalities in Reg 16(2), Supp Rule 9(a)
PROVIDER - Check compliance |
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YES Notify registrant of compliance; Notify Complainant, Registrant, 2nd Level Domain Administrator and Authority of date of commencement of Dispute
| NO Notify Complainant 5 days to correct or deemed withdrawn; If fee not paid within 10 days of receipt of Dispute by Provider, deemed withdrawn
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RESPONSE Within 20 days of commencement of dispute Lodged in paper format, in triplicate and electronic format Comply with formalities in Reg 18(2) Supp Rule 9(a)
| | DEFAULT - Proceed to Summary Decision in compliance with Reg 18(3) to (5);
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DECISION - Forwarded to Provider within 14 days of Adjudicator(s)' appointment.
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COMMUNICATION OF DECISION Within 3 days of receiving Decision from Adjudicator(s), to Parties and Authority; and After 5 days of notifying Parties and Authority, to second Level Domain Administrator.
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APPEAL Statement of Intention to Appeal within 4 days of Notification; Appeal Notice within 15 days after Statement of Intent; Comply with formalities in Reg 32 (2),(3) and (6), Supp Rule 15. Provider to forward Statement of Intent and Appeal Notice within 3 days of receipt; Appeal Notice Response within 10 days from receipt of Appeal Notice; Panel Appointment; Decision to be forwarded to provider within 20 days of appointment of last Adjudicator; Notification and implementation (see above).